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#1 2023-09-24 14:09:12

From: Minnesota
Registered: 2023-03-09
Posts: 170
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Exploring gender during Halloween!

Exploring your gender identity during Halloween can be a unique and exciting experience. It's a chance to step into different expressions of gender and see how they resonate with you. Here's how I approached it:

First, I took some time to reflect on my feelings about my gender identity. I thought about what aspects of myself I wanted to explore or express during Halloween. Were there particular gender expressions or identities I was curious about?
Next, I chose a Halloween costume that aligned with the gender expression or identity I wanted to explore. I got creative and open-minded in my costume choice, selecting something that represented a different gender than my assigned one at birth or embodied a gender expression I was interested in. I experimented with makeup and accessories. These can be powerful tools for gender expression. I tried different makeup techniques to create a more feminine appearance, used wigs and accessories to enhance my chosen character's gender presentation.

I involved my friends, kids and supportive family members in the process. I shared my intentions with them and sought their input or assistance with my costume and makeup. Having a support system made the experience more enjoyable and less intimidating.
I attended Halloween events where I could showcase my costume and gender expression. Interacting with others and observing their reactions gave me a sense of how comfortable I was with my chosen expression and how others responded. Throughout the Halloween season, I wrote in my journal to document my thoughts, feelings, and experiences. I wrote about how it felt to dress in a different gender expression and any insights or discoveries I made during this time.

After Halloween was over, I took time to reflect on my experience. Did I enjoy exploring a different gender expression? Did I gain any insights into my own gender identity? How did I feel about others' reactions to my costume? These reflections helped me in my ongoing journey of self-discovery. I felt comfortable, I considered discussing my experience with a therapist, (a counsellor, or a trusted friend would also work) who could provide guidance and support as I continued to explore my gender identity.

Remember, Halloween is just one opportunity to explore your gender identity. It's okay if you don't come to any definitive conclusions during this time. Gender identity is a complex and personal journey that takes time to understand fully. Be patient with yourself and continue exploring in a way that feels right for you.

Sarahel-slang term: Coming from the Gewada region language in Ethiopia
-when two people are very close friends, it is said to be Sarahel
Ex. Those two really love each other, they are sarahel


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