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Transgender Action Online

Defending, Embracing and Supporting the Gender Spectrum.

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#1 2023-03-12 18:53:12

From: Minnesota
Registered: 2023-03-09
Posts: 170
* Moderator * News Staff
Windows 10Chrome 110.0

Guidelines for posting on Politics

Welcome to the politics section of our forum, where we aim to create a space for transgender individuals to discuss issues related to politics, policies, and activism.

We recognize that political issues and policies can have a significant impact on the lives of transgender individuals, and that many of us have experienced discrimination and marginalization within political systems. That's why we're committed to creating a space that is inclusive, empowering, and welcoming to individuals from all political backgrounds and perspectives.

Whether you are passionate about advocating for transgender rights, interested in learning more about political issues affecting our community, or seeking to connect with others who share your political beliefs, we hope that this forum can provide a safe and supportive environment for you to express yourself, share your experiences, and find community.

We also recognize that political discussions can be contentious and emotionally charged. We ask that all members approach discussions with respect and empathy for others, and refrain from personal attacks or hate speech. Please refer to our Terms Of Service (Here)

Overall, our goal is to create a space where transgender individuals can engage in political discourse and advocacy, and find support and community within a diverse and inclusive group of peers. We invite you to join us and share your voice.

Sarahel-slang term: Coming from the Gewada region language in Ethiopia
-when two people are very close friends, it is said to be Sarahel
Ex. Those two really love each other, they are sarahel


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