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#1 2023-03-14 06:55:00

From: Minnesota
Registered: 2023-03-09
Posts: 170
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The UK is showing a worrying 'anti-trans' trend since brexit

The United Kingdom is currently undergoing significant political and societal changes. The decision to withdraw from the European Union has had a profound impact on the country, with feelings of discontent in the regions and increasing calls for Scottish independence. The Covid pandemic has caused severe economic damage and claimed more lives than in any other European state. These factors all risk plunging the country into crisis. There are other significant developments that must not be overlooked. These include the importation of the culture war tropes from the USA, particularly with regard to transgender individuals.

Unfortunately, a toxic discourse has emerged, and questioning the presence of trans people in the public space has become acceptable. This attitude has deep roots, particularly in the press, where coverage of trans people and issues has often been problematic, treating individuals as curiosities to be exploited. Historical progress has been made in UK trans rights, but some still feel that the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) is intrusive, inaccessible, daunting, and expensive. The debate around trans rights has become toxic in the UK, with some groups actively pushing to deny trans people their rights, demonizing them in the media. This behaviour is concerning, as such demonization can sometimes become violent and always is going to be negative

To sum up, the UK is going through some significant changes, causing political and social upheavals. Amidst these changes, the issue of transgender rights has emerged as a heated debate, with TERF groups using media to push a dangerous narrative that demonizes trans people. This toxic discourse is deeply concerning and shows how far the country still has to go to truly embrace diversity and inclusivity. As someone who believes in equality and acceptance, it's disheartening to see the rights of a vulnerable minority being questioned and attacked. We need to stand up against TERF rhetoric and work towards a society that values and celebrates all individuals, regardless of their gender identity.

Me leaving the UK does in a way feel like I am abandoning a sinking ship.. I worry, as my daughter is deciding to stay in the UK to further her education. I know the USA is full of issues and problems.. but this is a huge country and silent majorities tend to have an overall say, eventually here.. I have never seen the UK in a worse situation than it is now.
Brexit, for what it all was sold to us as, is proving to be, in the aftermath of covid a real disability to our growth. The UK is the only country in Europe with a predicted fall in GDP this year.. even Russia with all the sanctions has a growing economy.
There has always been an underlying, agnostic faction within British society.. it seems where-ever they turn their attentions things get bad.. I am thinking specifically of movements like the socialist worker and some more radicalised trade unions. These voices (the 'Daily Mail' crowd) have gotten into the right-wing feminist movements within the UK.. groups such as the UKs "Fair Play For Women" have the governments ear and yet their website is all about how many podophiles in jail are declaring themselves to be transgender.. linking us as a group of decent people with the scum of the country.. This blatant mis-information and demonising has to stop..
The latest migrant laws that are bought in by our first Asian PM are scandalous and we have to rely on a footballer to be the UK's moral compass.. it all sounds like we are going to a fiery place in a hand cart... at least we won't have to pay the heating bills!!!

Sarahel-slang term: Coming from the Gewada region language in Ethiopia
-when two people are very close friends, it is said to be Sarahel
Ex. Those two really love each other, they are sarahel


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