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Defending, Embracing and Supporting the Gender Spectrum.

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#1 2023-03-14 07:31:34

From: Minnesota
Registered: 2023-03-09
Posts: 170
* Moderator * News Staff
Windows 10Chrome 111.0

Images in posts and Avatars

You're welcome to include photos in your posts to enhance the discussion, but please keep in mind a few guidelines.

We have teamed up with PostImage to easily embed images in your posts. Your images are stored on their servers and as such are subject to their terms and conditions (here)

By clicking on the 'Add image to post' button at the bottom of the text box will allow you to upload your image.

To ensure readability, images should be posted in the smallest possible width and height while still conveying their intended purpose. If necessary, you can adjust the width and height using the following code:

[­img width=48 height=48]http://somesite/image.gif[­/img].

Please note that animated images are not allowed and file sizes should not exceed 250k. Additionally, posts that consist solely of images or have excessive images may be edited or removed.

To maintain a friendly atmosphere, please refrain from using photos that communicate sarcasm, derision, or ridicule, or that aim to disgust the viewer. Keep in mind that nudity, undergarments, or lingerie are not permitted in photos, but clothing that is intended to be worn in public (including sports bras and swimsuits) is acceptable. Uploading of anything not family friendly will get you an instant ban.

If you use a signature or avatar image, please ensure that it is small enough and doesn't overpower your post content. We recommend keeping the maximum size of signature images to no taller than 200 pixels.

Lastly, always respect photographers' copyrights and be sure to get permission or use images that fall under fair use. If you have any questions or concerns about a specific image, feel free to ask a staff member or reach out to me directly.


Sarahel-slang term: Coming from the Gewada region language in Ethiopia
-when two people are very close friends, it is said to be Sarahel
Ex. Those two really love each other, they are sarahel


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